Welcome to the Cork Animal Care Society. Charity Reg. CHY14199
The Animal Care Society (Cork), a registered charity, was formed in October 2000.
The aim of the Animal Care Society is stated in its name, to try and provide care to animals in Cork City and County that need our help, as far as our funds and facilities allow us to do so. We are almost entirely made up of volunteers who
give their time and effort to help animals.
Through our network of dedicated dog, cat and wildlife fosterers we have rehomed and assisted over 12000 animals since our foundation. We also operate a help line service dealing with animal welfare matters.
In 2017 we spent over twenty thousand (20000 euro) on our vets bills, courtesy of our veterinary guided non-euthanasia policy. We need your support to continue our vital work. Our sanctuary currently has over 130 animals in residence and we desperately need your help.
Please support us by clicking on the donate online now button.
We accept major credit cards and Laser cards, as well as PayPal and now donations via text messages as well.
Your help will save a life.
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Folks, today is a very very special day. Our Comreg license to solicit donations by text has been issued. Why is this so very important to us? As you, our supporters, know Their Lives...Our Passion, is what we live or die by. Those of you who have been at the sanctuary have seen first-hand the exceptional care which is put into each and every animal which... comes here. But that carries a price: Massive veterinary and food bills, vets alone cost the ACS over 40000 euro in 2014. Unless we can raise significantly more money, the Cork ACS cannot survive and our mission will come to an end.
But with your help that can be avoided. PLEASE spread the word and help us by using this new fundraising facility. With your help, we can survive and save lives. Without it, we die and so do the animals we could have rescued. We have over 5000 euro in unpaid vets bills but with your help, we can clear those. By using your mobile phone to donate just €4 by simply texting the word CACS to 50300 you too can proudly say: Their Lives...My passion. You will receive a text back from 50300 acknowledging your donation. Thank you so very much.
TEXT CACS to 50300 to donate €4. 100% of your donation goes to the Cork Animal Care Society across most network operators. Some operators apply VAT which means that a minimum of €3.25 will go to the Cork Animal Care Society. Service provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 0766805278
The ACS is now 16 years old. Thousands of animals have been saved by its hard working and dedicated volunteers. Lots of education sessions have been given in schools and colleges and countless letters and appeals have been made to the government, asking for better and humane animal welfare legislation. Thousands upon thousands of phone calls have been answered and lots of emails with help and support to individuals were sent. From the humble beginning in the Kingsley park Hotel where our founding meeting was held to now running a sanctuary with over 160 animals being cared for.
We pay tribute to YOU, our supporters, who made it all happen. We express our appreciation to Brian Bermingham, of the Cork council who baptised us. It was Brian who coined the name, the Animal Care Society. Brian, we have lived up to what you wanted us to be, and become. A thank you to Felicia Cross and Marian Caulfield, who co-founded the ACS. Finer people will be hard to find. Felicia went back to the USA in 2001 and now runs the largest cat welfare organisation in the USA. See: www.forgottencats.org Marion went to become a fulltime Mum but both ladies never forgot their ACS roots. We thank them both. But the biggest Thank You goes to ALL OF YOU, our supporters. Your moral and financial help made this organisation worthy of its credo: Their Lives...Our Passion. Please be proud of what you have made happen and the lives your help has saved.
2015 Calendar & 2014 Christmas Cards
Our brandnew 2015 ACS calendar is now available, as well our beautiful Christmas cards. Click here to be taken directly to the store: Store
Maybe, just maybe are we going to get somewhere ? The minister for agriculture, under whose remit the animal welfare legislation falls, has announced that he will introduce MANDATORY micro chipping for ALL dogs. We are almost afraid to believe this.
We will await further clarification on this and keep you posted. Maybe, just maybe it will help in hemming in the endless stream of unwanted dogs and puppies. Were this to be combined with draconian fines for not complying with the law, maybe, just maybe we are going to see an improvement in the endless misery which irresponsible owners and breeders are inflicting on the dogs of this country.
Looking for that special Christmas present? Why not order a copy of our wonderful Finn McCool book? It is sure to delight all that receive it. To order just visit our online shop on this website. The book contains a special Christmas story to delight the children (and adults).
This beautiful book is locally printed by Aidan O'Mahony of Omah Printing in Wilton, Cork. Sale proceeds of every single copy sold will go in support of the charities Finn supports so your money will directly and exclusively benefit the work done by Finn's nominated animal welfare charities. All books are shipped in a protective jiffy bag.
