News & Events
Bread and Water "Welfare" ? ! !
Hello, you’re the ACS people? Listen, I have a lot of cats here and I don’t want them anymore. It’s the type of call we dread. Where are we supposed to go with them ? Good homes ? Are you kidding ? For 30 cats ? Impossible to come by in large numbers. A lot of cats can mean anything. Anything between 5 and 50. Our welfare officer took note of the name and address and said she would visit to see the situation.
The call came late: Hello, you're the ACS people? Listen, I have a lot of cats here and I don't want them anymore. It's the type of call we dread. Where are we supposed t go with them ? Good homes ? Very hard to come by in large numbers. A lot of cats can mean anything. Anything between 5 and 50. Our welfare officer took note of the name and address and said she would visit to see the situation. In these cases we often find that people give us a lower number of cats than there actually are, and this turned out to be exactly the case here. 10 became 20, 20 became 30. Our welfare officer made it clear to the person that even though we would try to help, the caller would be responsible for the cost, of having the cats seen by our vets and any treatment or testing needed. To our great surprise, agreement was given !
On inspection it transpired that the poor cats had only ever been fed on BREAD AND WATER !!, that they were interbred and some in a very poor condition. These older people did not realise the vital importance of spaying and neutering and the fact that cats need meat and cannot survive on bread and water. Over the period of a week our welfare officer managed to get all the cats and each and everyone went to our Vet. Sadly, in one case our officer was too late and in other cases the vet recommend euthanasia since the cats were in too poor a condition to be saved and it was the only humane thing to do. Taking in that many cats entails a huge risk, you do not know what illnesses they might suffer from and as it turned out, several of them had Feline Aids. (FIV). In desperation and to isolate the new cats from our other sanctuary cats we pressed the ACS ambulance into use, not ideal, but it has heat and light and the cats can be handled and treated on our site.
Due to our excellent connections with a premier UK based rescue organisation we got the agreement that they would take all cats which had not tested positive for Aids and/or Leukemia. So, last week our ambulance travelled the 1100+ miles journey. INSPITE OF THE DREADFULL WEATHER, our volunteers made the trip over this huge distance, roads covered in ice and snow. 6 cats were left behind at our sanctuary. They tested positive for Feline Aids and could not go. But.. they now have a heated shed, warm beds, and the best of food. But above all: THEY are LOVED. For the first time in their lives, they know what human compassion and kindness can do. I, as chairman of the ACS pay tribute: Tribute to Sara, Karen and Muriel and all our other helpers. These women embody all that the ACS stands for: Their Lives.Our Passion.
A very very special Thank You to our Friends at Wood Green Animal Sanctuaries in the UK. Without their help this story would not have had this happy ending. PLEASE visit their website at: and support their work. By doing so, you are helping them and us and thus help both the cats and dogs who need our joined help so very badly. Thank You.
Desperate Times ? Desperate Measures !
Full is full ? Yes, there was no more room at the "Inn" So, in desperation we had to go the final mile.
As the photos show we rented a Porta Cabin which had to be lifted and lowered by crane so that we could provide the desperately needed bit of extra space we wanted to save those kitten lives.
We had no choice, call after call begging or pleading or threatening: "I will make these kittens Join the Navy", if YOU don't take them. Pure blackmail? Yes ! And now even that no longer works, we are full and even our new temp unit is in full use.
We need to find another 140 Euro per month now, these units do not come cheap, but what price a life ? What price to not "Join the Navy"?
Please help us, if you have a few Euro which isn't spoken for, click on our donate on-line link and help us. You can see with your own eyes where you money goes. Will you please help us ?
They showed real Mercy!
Pictured here are the girls of one the classes of the Mercy Heights College in Skibereen, West Cork. These girls are not your ordinary set of teenagers. Far from it, you are looking at a wonderful group of dedicated and determined girls who set out to do something for animal welfare and that is just what they did. In response to a classroom lecture by an ACS volunteer these girls went fundraising with a vengeance. In next to no time they had raised the fantastic sum of €950!
The photo shows class teacher Ms. Verna Byrne, surrounded by her class during the handover of the cheque to our ACS volunteer. Yes, scenes like this give us hope for the future, with teenagers like these we can make this world a better place. Thank you Girls, Thank you Verna and school principal who gave this such fantastic support.

Pictured here are Sara Lane of the ACS (left) and Niamh Doyle lucky first prize winner who won the 1st raffle price in our recent winter raffle of two premium tickets to the All Ireland in Croke Park.
4 = 72 & 5 = 101
No, we can still count and you are reading this right. 4 can equal 72. How? In 4 trips since January 18th the ACS ambulance brought 72 dogs and puppies to new homes in the UK. Working closely with other rescues and our supporting organisations in the UK this huge number of lives was saved. We say saved since although these dogs and puppies were in rescue facilities, the spaces they needed were therefore not available to others who could thus not be taken in. We are proud of this achievement and hope that you are too. We hope you agree: 4 can equal 72.
Stop press: Another 28 cats plus 1 dog will be travelling tomorrow night. So, 5 = 101!
Original Story: 4 = 38!
Yes, 4 can indeed equal 38! How ? Read on. As our regular readers/visitors know, all rescues in Ireland struggle with the same problem. Too many animals, not enough homes. So, we have to look abroad and in most cases that is the UK. The ACS is fortunate that it has excellent connections with several top UK rescue organisations, amongst others the Dog Trust. So it is that our ACS ambulance took another 18 dogs to the Trust and no sooner had it returned to these shores, 20 cats went on board and back to the UK we went. The score: 1800 miles in 4 days, several nights no sleep but 38 lives went to their new future. Just in case you wonder EACH AND EVERY place we ever take an animal to is know by us and we will have visited that organisation. Also, we NEVER ask for money from the receiving organisation, Homes is what we need and that is ALL we ask for. So, there you have it, two very very tired volunteers but 38 happy animals. Wouldn't you say that that's a good trade-off?
Max at the wheel!
Pictured here ACS volunteer Katie McGroarthy and Megan Roche with Max the Golden Retriever. Max, Katie and all ACS volunteers turned out in force to make our recent ACS fundraising day in Cobh a fantastic success. Cork Racing had their beautiful machine on display right in the main street and together with Katie and our volunteers it made an irresistible combination. Beauty and Speed ! The ACS wishes to thank all our volunteers, Michael Fitzgerald of Cork Racing and the members of the public who so generously contributed to our cause.
A very Happy and Peaceful Christmas to you all.
The ACS wishes to express its sincere appreciation to Ann Riordan and her staff at the Hollyhill library for inviting the ACS to give an animal welfare talk to the kids. 34 children attended the talk and both children and staff enjoyed the talk and the ample goodies which were available for them to take away. The great interaction with the children proves one thing: There is hope for the future. The youngest child was only 5 years old and to see their faces and the attentive way in which they participated in the talk bodes well for them and their appreciation of the needs of their pets.
Thank you to all parents who urged their children to attend and a special thanks to Mary, who travelled a long distance to bring her children to the library for this occasion. The highlight of the day was a colouring completion and the staff had a very hard time in choosing a winner, all the entries were so nice. So go ahead and have a look. For the full story click the link below:
We are winning the battle but losing the war
Curious? Read on. You would say that with all the animal rescue work which is going on country wide and the publicity which animal welfare enjoys these days that things surely must be getting a lot better for the animals. Right ? Sadly, no, you would be wrong, very wrong.
Yes, it is true that due to the tireless efforts of the many rescue groups in Ireland the actual amount of dogs put down (put to sleep as they say) is going down a little. BUT. the actual number of dogs coming into the pounds is RISING. Yes, Rising in spite of all efforts made by the many rescue organisations to stem the tide. Rising in spite of all the publicity, education, radio talks, whatever.
The reasons are varied and would take this whole website to nail them down. The key reason remains as it has been before, people will not spay and neuter their animals. Coupled with the fact that companion animals are treated like disposable items and you have the key to this tragedy in a nutshell.
So, what can you do? Make your voice heard! Talk to your TD, write to Bertie Ahern, write to the minister of the environment, write to the minister for education, let them know that you do not want Ireland of 2007 to be like the Cambodian killing fields.
Always remember, for evil to triumph it is only necessary for good people to remain silent. Want to do more? Go to: There you will find all the tools you need to make a difference.
Meet a Miracle
The photo's speak for themselves. She is about 2 weeks. She was taken from a bag stuck in debris in the river near Lisheen in Co. Cork.
She survived by standing on the bodies of her 5 brothers and sisters, the only one out of 6 to live. Please do not ask me why God decided that she was not to perish. Somewhere here in West Cork lives a person, man or woman, adult or child, who took these six 2 weeks old kittens, put them in a bag tied it with twine and threw them into the river. It is highly likely that the same person will be at Mass this Sunday, praying for his immortal soul.
To that person we say, may God have Mercy on you, he created these kittens and you callously destroyed them without a second thought. When the day of reckoning comes what will you say? I'm sorry God...They were only kittens? As Proverbs 12:10 says: "A righteous man regards the life of his animals". I'd hate to be in your shoes on that day.
Landmark victory against animal cruelty perpetrator
A prison sentence was handed out by Judge James McNulty in the Bantry district court against farmer Kenneth Coombes of The Carrig, Skibbereen, Co.
Cork for extensive and horrific cruelty to the animals on his farm. Judge McNulty having taken into account the past history of Kenneth Coombes who has convictions for cruelty against animals in 1992, 1993, 1997 and 2000 felt that nothing short of a custodial sentence would sent a clear message that cruelty against defenceless animals will not be tolerated.
Animal Care Society member Della Murray, together with officials from the Department of Agriculture, the Gardai, and the HSE worked together to remove the worst cases of abused and neglected animals from the farm. Judge McNulty ordered that upon his release from prison Kenneth Coombes must remove ALL animals from his farm within 30 days. Quoting the Judge verbatim: "He ( Kenneth Coombes) is not capable or competent to own any animal, not even a budgie."
The photo's shown Kenneth Coombes in handcuffs being led away by the Gardai after the verdict and show ACS member Della Murray being interviewed by TV3 and Pascal Sheehy from RTE news. Della's involvement was widely reported in all major daily papers on Saturday 28 July 2007. One of the many dogs from the farm is shown being treated by local veterinary surgeon Tom Farington of Roscarbery for the wounds inflicted upon this poor dog. The ACS wishes to acknowledge and express it's deepest appreciation and gratitude to Della Murray who embodied the ACS motto: Their Lives...Our Passion.
See also our story " They are our hope for the Future " which features Della's 9 year old daughter Imy Murray.
This is the second time in a very short period that ACS has been called upon to assist in dreadful cruelty case situations. See " The ACS Needs your help in our NEWS page ". Please support us financially with a donation, on-line or offline. It's only with your help that we can continue this work, these two cases together have sofar cost in excess of 14,000.- Euro
Are You Responsible?
Yes, you are looking at the harsh reality. To you, the animal lover visiting our website it is the handle of a dog lead. To one of the 16546 dogs officially destroyed last year it was the hangman's noose. And those 16546 were only the tip of the iceberg. Those were the official numbers from the Irish Department of the Environment website. The unofficial figures? Much much higher. The ones taken to the vet and killed by lethal injection, (the "lucky" ones), the ones thrown over the cliff edge into the sea with a concrete block around their necks (Yes, it does happen!), the ones dumped in the woods and left to die from starvation and hunger, No..those ones are not included in the 16546. Why bother to record their deaths? After all, they are only dogs, easily replaced, easy come, easy go.
What you are looking at is Ireland 2007, wealthy, prosperous for many but dogs and cats are not included. They are our "disposable" items. You say you don't believe that it can be that bad? No? Well, just click here: and visit the page: Ireland, a place to die for. If that does not convince you, nothing will.
It is said that people get the government they deserve, perhaps that is true but if that is so: God help us. We in the ACS are fighting, each day, every day but this fight costs money. Talk is cheap but money buys lives. Please support us, click on our donate online icon and help us to carry this fight to the top. With changes in education and legislation we can make a difference. Are you willing to help us, or are you happy with 16546 needless deaths?
They are our hope for the future

Pictured here are classmates of Imy Murray, a wonderful 9 year old pupil of St. Joseph's in Sibbereen town, West Cork. ( Pictured in middle row, between the two adults). Imy, instead of wanting birthday presents from her Mum and class mates, asked everybody to help support her two favourite charities, the Chernobyl Children's Project and the Animal Care Society. Look at those happy faces when this photo was taken and you look at the future citizens of our country. Maybe amongst these children is our next Taoiseach?, who knows.
After the cheque handover an impromptu animal welfare lecture was given to the kids and it was a delight to see how enthusiastic they were. The questions came thick and fast and our ACS volunteer was able in simple terms to explain good animal husbandry to them. All in all, a fantastic day. To Imy and her Mum we say a heartfelt Thank You, it was a day we will not forget, a day which gave us renewed hope for the future.
Latest Update:
The ACS summer raffle took place in The Blackbird Bar, Ballycotton and the winners were as follows:
1st prize (Rugby tickets and B&B Clarion IFSC): Abigail O'Rourke, Cobh
2nd prize (Helicopter voucher) : Caroline Dwyer, Midleton
3rd prize (Monster hamper): Carmel Muir, Bandon
4th prize (Microwave oven): Stephen Roche, Mallow
5th prize (Massage voucher): John Mangan, Co. Tipperary
6th prize (Stephen Pearce Pottery): Jim Crowley, Bandon.
The final tally for this fundraiser was........................ €14,165!
This was a fantastic achievement for such a small charity as Cork ACS Ltd. Let us thank the kind sponsors for their support: AFA O'Meara Advertising of Dublin, BlueStar Helicopters of Ballygarvan, Sante Holistic Therapies at Taighnabruaich House of Healing in Cobh and a few others who prefer to remain nameless! Thank you also to the sellers, buyers and organisers without whom, the raffle would not have taken place. The money will be used to give more poor animals in Cork a second chance.
Overnight trip to live international rugby in one of the finest stadia
in Europe, anyone? The top prize in our summer raffle this year is 2
premium tickets for a Six Nations game featuring Ireland V Scotland at
Croke Park on 23rd February 2008 including an overnight stay at the nearby
Clarion Hotel. 5 other prizes will also be up for grabs:
- Fantastic 30 Minute Helicopter Ride
- Monster Hamper
- Microwave Oven
- 90 Minute Lomi Lomi Massage
- Stephen Pearce Fruit Bowl
Tickets cost just €2 each or 4 for €5 and are being included with the
Summer newsletter for ACS members. Tickets may be obtained by
contacting or Noelle at 087 7545748.
Winners will be chosen at "The Blackbird Bar" in Ballycotton
immediately following the sponsored walk on Sunday the 12th August 2007
(see below). Winners will be published in The Classified Ads section of
the Evening Echo on Wednesday the 15th August 2007.
Our day at Maxi Zoo!!
A big thank you to Maxi Zoo who invited us to visit their premises on the weekend of their one-year anniversary last Saturday July 28th.
An open day was held at Maxi Zoo in Ballincollig. We brought along Skip, Teddy, Tara, Ella and four puppies to meet with members of the public and raise money for the ACS.
There were raffle tickets to be sold with great prizes.The draw for the prizes will take place on August 12th so good luck to everyone who purchased a ticket!!
It was an extremely successful day with potential adopters and fosterers coming forward which proved to us just how important it is for the dogs to meet with these potential owners and showcase their little personalities. They were on their absolute best behaviour and the sun even came out for us during the morning.
Thank you to everyone involved and to all the well wishers we met on the day.
Dyson's Story
This is Dyson he is a one year old Staffordshire bull terrier. One of our
volunteers got a call on Saturday evening about a dog that was hanging
around an estate in the city. There were reports that the dog had an
injured neck and was very scared. People were afraid to approach him as
they weren't sure if he was friendly or not. When we arrived in the area
we were greeted by a dog curled up in a ball outside the door of one of
the houses in the estate. He heard us coming and lifted his head slightly.
We called him and he slowly approached us wagging his tail. When we got
up close we were horrified at what we saw. Dyson's throat had been slit
from ear to ear. The flesh was hanging from his neck and the wound was
about two inches deep. It was an old wound about two or three days and
was badly infected. He had been thrown out and left to die. Dyson
wandered for several days in this condition and people simply walked
past him. We took Dyson directly to the vet. He had to be sedated and
the wound took almost an hour to clean out and be stitched.
Poor Dyson now has staples running the length of his neck.
He is a handsome dog and despite the pain he was in still managed to
wag his tail for us.
Over the last few months we have seen a large increase in the amount
of Staffordshire Bull terriers coming in to our care. These dogs are in
an appalling condition when they arrive. It is common practice that
these dogs are used for fighting and if not vicious enough are simply
discarded. There are a lot of misconceptions about this breed of dog.
People are afraid of them and presume they cannot be trusted.
This is not the case. These dogs are loving and loyal.
They are extremely affectionate and in the right hands make fabulous pets.
Dyson is recovering now and will be assessed in the coming days.
He is a real beauty who has a kiss for everyone. The cost of his
treatment is going to be expensive as the wound will have to be
re-stitched once he is well enough. We are looking for a foster home
or permanent home for Dyson, a safe place where he can recover.
If you can offer this or are able to donate toward his
treatment please contact us. Please help us to stop the cruelty
and give these dogs the love and respect they deserve.
Recently I visited Dyson in his foster home. Just look at how beautiful and happy he is!
His loving foster mum welcomed him with open arms and has really taken care of him. His wounds are healing very nicely.
Hopefully the terrible experience he has had will be a distant memory in time to come.
Dyson is loving his new lease of life and as you can see loves his toys. He really has shown himself to be
a really loving dog, he just wants a quiet life, lots of affection and someone to love him.
Dyson will probably never be able to wear a collar but will definitely be able to wear a dog harness which is just as good if not better
for when walking dogs. Dyson also socialises really well with the other dogs he has met since coming to live in his foster home.
It is amazing to see this miracle of survival and I am proud to know Dyson.
More Updates will come soon on Dysons road to recovery, watch this space!
Travelling In Style!
Yes indeed, they travelled in style alright ! These photos were taken at
the recent ACS open garden day at The D.J. Murphy open garden in Ballincollig.
ACS volunteer fosterer Anne and her daughter Clare brought their baby kittens
along in a specially adapted buggy, equiped with all that they could need.
Afterall, we are called the Animal Care Society and they showed it.
The garden open day was a great success and raised over 2500 Euro of much
needed funds for the ACS. Photo on the left shows ACS fundraiser Noelle
talking to ACS volunteer Sara at the ACS information stand.
The ACS wishes to express its sincere gratitude to Mr Murphy for
opening his beutiful garden to the public and a spcial thank you
to all members of the public and ACS supporters who helped to make
this such a successful day. A special tribute goes to Janet, Jill,
Ann, Noelle and Ellen who left no stone unturned to "Fly the Flag".
A Look At The Future
Our regular website visitors know that we in the ACS passionately
believe in education. It is our firmly held belief that only by
educating our next generations of future citizens we can bring about
the much needed change in attitude which is so badly needed. That our
work is appreciated is borne out by the following email we received
from student Kayleigh O' Keeffe who wrote to the ACS on behalf of her
"Dear Albert. As a result of your presentation last year in Scoil Mhuire
gan Smál, Blarney we have formed a group for the Young Social Innovator
contest and we have made it to the final round in Dublin! Our project
focuses on Puppy Farming and we found your website and newsletters
really helpful. Our teacher Michelle Corcoran has text'ed you with
the details of the dog walk on Sunday.
Thanks for all your help and we'll let you know how we get on up there!
Yours sincerely,
Kayleigh O' Keeffe"
All of us in the ACS wish Kayleigh, her classmates and teacher Michelle
Corcoran the very best with their project! With students like Kayleigh
and her friends and fully supported by the principal and staff of the
college there is reason for hope indeed!
Spreading The Word
The Animal Care Society believes passionately in education,
we think it holds the key.
Education? Yes, we passionately believe in it and as the photos show,
we preach and practice it. On invitation of the St. John's college staff
in Cork the ACS was asked to give a lecture on Animal Welfare to the students
enrolled in the two year Animal Care Course, This course leads up to a
nationally recognised certificate and the students from this course build
up solid foundation in all aspects of animal care and husbandry, as well
as many other related subjects.
During his 1.5 hour presentation our ACS chairman took the students through
a multifaceted series of slides, dealing with Animal Welfare in the widest
possible way, from hands-on care, to legislation (or the lack of it), the
consequences of our pets not being neutered, various common pet ailments,
were amongst the topics reviewed.
Feedback received from students and teachers was very positive and the
ACS was requested to repeat this lecture each year as a part of the students
education program. We wish to thank the St Johns college management, staff
and students for the hospitality shown. Their facilities are second to
none, the main lecture auditorium can hold it's own with the very best
in the country. But above all, the enthusiasm of both management and
teaching staff to provide their students with the very best grounding in
their chosen career is the best endorsement possible. St John's College?
It's the place to be.
Surplus To Requirments
These are before and after pictures of Babe. Babe was found on the streets
of Cork in an appalling condition. He was only three months old. His
whole body was covered in sores causing him a lot of discomfort.
He had very little fur due to a severe mange infection. Poor Babe
was in a lot of pain but still managed a little wag of the tail for us.
After spending a few days in the vets he was placed in one of our foster
homes where he received all the love and care that he deserves. As you
can see today Babe is a handsome fellow full of life. This is just
another case that we are constantly coming across. Animals discarded
simply because they are no longer wanted and are surplus to requirements.
We endeavor every day to educate people and to make them responsible pet
owners. Animals are not there for our convenience, they too have wants
and needs, they show emotion and have feelings. They feel pain and
sadness. Please continue to support us and help us stop this cruelty
and neglect.
Their Lives...Became YOUR Passion
The weather was glorious, the people were generous and the dogs were
marvellous sums it up best. What occasion was this I hear you ask?
Well, ask no more, our Cork Animal Care Society City and Suburbs
collection day it was. Our volunteers were there in droves, but not
only them, they had brought their companions and what a fantastic turnout
we had. From an Afghan to a Japanese Akita, from a Newfoundlander to a
Wheaten Terrier, a Golden Retriever, a Dachshund, you name it they were there.
We even had a a lovely dog who wore his panniers ala a St Bernard,
but this time they weren't filled with brandy, instead it was the coins that
filled them up.
The sun was out and while it warmed the hearts of our volunteers it
certainly warmed the hearts of the members of the public, many of whom
stopped and talked and contributed so generously to our efforts to help
the very many abandoned animals and strays in and around the city and
county. It was heart warming to see how people made our motto their motto:
Their Lives...Our Passion became Their Lives... Their Passion.
To all our volunteers who participated we want to extent our heartfelt
thanks, it could not have been done without you. To all who so generously
contributed to our work we say. You did us proud. Animal welfare is alive
and well in Cork.
With your help we will exceed last years spending on our participating vets,
their bills for 2006 exceeded €77,000. That is perhaps the best way
to truly demonstrate what we, the ACS stand for: Their Lives...Our Passion.
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